Try just binding the illuminance cluster without configuring the reporting. Also, send the Tuya BlackMagic packet during the pairing, although I don't know if it has any effect or not....
Does the [MOES](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005962280933.html) sensor have exactly the same fingerprint: tuya.fingerprint('TS0225', ['_TZ3218_awarhusb']) as the Linptech?
@ devs - pay attention to the fact that this TS0049 device requires Tuya cluster command 0x04 (instead of the usual command 0x00) for the open/close commands, setting the irrigation...
Turn the Debug logging on. Every 56 minutes Aqara TVOC will broadcast a package that has a lot of parameters inside, should be visible in the live logs (or the...
These are the State Variables, I meant to look at the Logs . BTW, in the states parentNWK=3347 is the Zigbee router (repeater) that your Aqara TVOC is using for...
>> I'd like the device to report a bit more frequently but there doesn't seem to be any chivying that will induce a zigbee device into reliable interval reporting. When...