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Use DOMPurify on server and client in the same way

Results 11 isomorphic-dompurify issues
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## What's the problem I built a next.js application with serveless option, but simply importing this library it throws this error: ``` Failed to compile. ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error:...


We see a high amount of CPU Utilisation by this package in our application. Can you please explain why is it so.

Re: it may be a good step forward to join forces and merge the `isomorphic-dompurify` changes with the parent project [dompurify]( Open to advice/ideas on how to better implement...

When installing - `"isomorphic-dompurify": "^0.16.0"` I get the following error within a jest test that previously passed. > Error: ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined js file: ```javascript import DOMPurify from...

bug --- **Updated by a maintainer:** A related issue:


## Current Behavior When importing into a worker environment the following runtime error occurs ``` Uncaught ReferenceError: window is not defined at node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/isomorphic-dompurify/browser.js (isomorphic-dompurify.js?v=650fd638:949:22) ``` ## Change in behavior The...


Web Workers resolve to the `browser.js` however `window` is not defined thus causing an undefined reference. Using `globalThis` or `self` instead of `window` could allow this file to work in...

I'm trying to use isomorphic dompurify's sanitize function, in my angular application, which uses angular universal for server side rendering. While there is no error when running the application as...


Hi! I'm trying to use this package as a transitive dependency in Deno via Unfortunately `sanitize` is not a proper named export. I can't change the way this package...

### Bug DOMPurify.sanitize returns an empty string when ran on HTML files containing [void elements]( when application/xhtml+xml is set as parser media type. Version: 2.6.0 #### Input ``` Sample HTML5...