Ken Koch
Ken Koch
sounds like you are looking for a stemmer?
Don't currently have a plan, if anyone wants to tackle this it would be great though!
I havent personally tried tfidf with chinese, first glance it doesnt seem to work. You probably need to change the tokenizer but i dont think we have a chinese tokenizer...
@mbc1990 I think you would just have to use the regexptokenizer, WordPunct tokenizer is a good example of this: ``` javascript var WordPunctTokenizer = function(options) { this._pattern = new RegExp(/(\w+|\!|\'|\"")/i);...
well based on the number of issues we see on here re browserify it seems like theres a large number of people using natural that way so im not sure...
The classifier relies on a tokenizer and stemmer so that could be part of the problem, I don't think we have a chinese stemmer at the moment and if you...
@tommedema I'm having a hard time pinpointing this (mainly because these wordnet lookups are really slow). It did crash for me but i didn't find the same error. In the...
Ok no problem, just curious did you manage to resolve the error?
Actually going to close this unless someone else runs into a similar problem. I think its safe to say the WNdb code directly is not best used this way, @moos...
Going to reopen this, it seems like the issue is around the files not being closed correctly, I'll try to dig in further and see if i can find anything.