
Results 51 issues of kkharji

Any idea why that is ? ![](https://user-content.gitter-static.net/f6a04902759015af48bad371b7d7130e8bccba3f/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f657a71504d395a2e706e67)

Hey @kdheepak, thanks for putting this together, I wonder if the behavior could be configured somehow to to just post the latex value instead of the symbol. I'm trying to...

Hey @akinsho I have set a mapping to pick a buffer tab, but I wanted to have a fall back function (in my case telescope buffer) I've changed select_buffer_apply a...

feature request
low priority

Hey @wincent, I'm currently starting out with Corpus as a daily note taking interface to Obsidian, and so far I like the autotitle feature. I wonder if there's a way...

Hey @AckslD, awesome work, I like the concept of it a lot. I've gave it a try and at first, it appended `,` to the end of the list where...


Hey @tomyun, thanks a lot for this awesome plugin. I have an issue with switching themes using tmux, I tired few ways to fix this but without any luck I...

Hi there, I wonder why this is not release on the mac store, I was using https://apps.apple.com/us/app/previewmarkdown/id1492280469?mt=12 and it has just 5% of what QLMarkdown provide. Please consider providing an...

Hello @hrsh7th, hope your doing great and thanks so muuuch for keeping maintaining this awesome creation ❤️ I'm trying to use lsp snippets more often because how they save a...

Dear @sainnhe, Thanks for your amazing work on tmux-fzf. I really enjoy using it. I'm having a preview issue since I first started using the tmux-fzf, that is preview starts...