
Results 187 comments of kkharji

Interesting, i thought we had all the sources. Someone need to look into fzf-vim source code and tell us where the heck the got `luafile` 🤣 😆

Okay the linting is complaining about - lua/telescope/pickers/highlights.lua:46:39: (W612) line contains trailing whitespace - lua/telescope/builtin/files.lua:404:121: (W631) line is too long (138 > 120) Also, it would be nice if you...

🤔 still facing the same issue `✗ Failed to install package` tried to a number of stuff but no luck, I tired both `MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` and setting python command.

> yeah 21% if i read the output correctly 🤣 > > ``` > hyperfine --warmup 3 "./build/cli fzf.h < files" "fzf --filter fzf.h < files" > Benchmark #1: ./build/cli...

🤔 I believe my Tmux is up to date no? `3.2a` also fzf is `0.30` my fzf opts are ```bash [ "-p" "-w" "70%" "-h" "50%" "-m" "--height 60%" "--preview-window=right:60%"...

Yah I added that thinking it would changed it and show first lines. but didn't have any effect.

@Olical I believe this can be easily done. Via logging the actual function definition through parsing ast or simply via logging a formatted string where it appends `def name` and...

@Olical not sure what is an easy solution to fit with your standards is. I just want to syntax highlighting for docs and not see them as comments. You are...

Okay, this is something I'd like to invest my time in the upcoming weeks. Thoughts on steps to take: - Decide on what pages to have. - Here's a list...