
Results 16 comments of kkdd

Thank for your reply. I think that I am using ```[email protected]```: ``` $ grep -i "revision " ./node_modules/three/build/three.module.js var REVISION = '110'; $ find . -type f | xargs grep...

Hello, I will send you a sample Shift_JIS(CP932)-encoded CSV file. I'm now struggling to extend a StringWithContentsOfURL method as follows: https://github.com/kkdd/quicklook-csv/blob/master/NSString%2BStringWithContentsOfURLExt.m https://github.com/kkdd/quicklook-csv/blob/master/GeneratePreviewForURL.m And I think Japanese Shift_JIS encodings are somewhat...

Hello, ```L.vectorGrid.protobuf``` seems to render only single point per a tile when rendering multi point produced by [this server](https://github.com/vicapow/go-vtile-example): ```html Leaflet.VectorGrid demo var CDB_ATTR = '© OpenStreetMap contributors, ' +...

I regret to say that no public Go server runs. Multi point is represented by being with ```command_count > 1``` as described in https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec/blob/master/2.1/README.md#4352-example-multi-point. Can I easily debug the behavior...

Hello, The following is the idea of modification for addressing the case of nPoints==0 and nPoints>1: ```console $ diff -u Leaflet.VectorGrid.js.orig Leaflet.VectorGrid.js var PointSymbolizer = L.CircleMarker.extend({ includes: Symbolizer.prototype, statics: {...

The following is a quick hack: ``` --- Leaflet.VectorGrid.js.orig +++ Leaflet.VectorGrid.js @@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ } var featureLayer = this._createLayer(feat, pxPerExtent); + if (!featureLayer) { + continue; + } for...

You can run https://github.com/kkdd/go-vtile-example/blob/master/main.go with the following modification (see a line of ```featureType = vector_tile.Tile_UNKNOWN```): ```golang func createTileWithPoints(points []XY, bounds XYZ) ([]byte, error) { layerName := "points" var layerVersion =...

Sure: ![icon](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5372642/74444112-b623c280-4eb7-11ea-8406-ce7855b096d8.jpg)

It has been a long homework. Is this acceptable?