Kyle Zhike Chen
Kyle Zhike Chen
- Used a separated hive client for authorization, this will fix #18 - Fixed some privilege check bugs - Added some unit tests
**Describe the bug** I am running standalone spark version 2.3.2 in docker with ranger-hive-plugin 0.5.3. I use a extend MySQL database for store hive metastore data. I found out that... I think here should be: ```java boolean enable() { return nacosConfigProperties != null && nacosConfigProperties.getBootstrap().isEnable(); } ```
**Describe the problem you faced** after I update hudi to 0.11 from 0.8, using `spark.table(fullTableName)` to read a hudi table is not working, the table has been sync to hive...
I use gitlab-ci-multi-runner:1.0.4, here is code snippet of my `docker-compose.yml`: ``` GitlabCIMultiRunner: image: sameersbn/gitlab-ci-multi-runner:1.0.4 volumes: # share Docker unix sock - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # share docker config for using docker registry...
访问`http://localhost:3000/weixin/oIWsFt1A9eVKH7qBQh5pf5tt5n-4`出现 ``` Invalid URI "/websearch/art.jsp?sg=CBf80b2xkgbPiWvasfVRAg066b9GouK6zlp0757FHyLcC20-6McNZvNzteHMjYS6nayti-u97k9Sf76Z_1tCfuu7S_lN3oNVY5lvzqMZaxKXNiB-e5mGIUBGxbdDjDO5&url=p0OVDH8R4SHyUySb8E88hkJm8GF_McJfBfynRTbN8whQ2jAkMtBfIs2C5NfCqQJ9FJmAPOq06Mz1Q8waaR-M2WQ3JxMQ3374W9Ip4-_LwZp5ioSqS-syWHoa5luuAaLwvnLyo3hinaZYy-5x5In7jJFmExjqCxhpkyjFvwP6PuHXv4VHW0InpgH5WKEdvsXWVAoP0i-E9uk." ```
In one of my Jupyter notebook ``` from yogadl import dataref, storage fs_config = bucket="mybucket", bucket_directory_path="yogadl_cache", url=f"ws://localhost:10050", local_cache_dir="/tmp/", ) storage = storage.submit(val_ds, "dl_a2_val", "1.0") ``` In another jupyter...
Can't find pom.xml file for custom build of Pinpoint docker images in this project