Kasper Juul Hermansen
Kasper Juul Hermansen
This specifically adds a downloader for github releases it uses either the SHUTTLE_EXTENSIONS_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN or GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN for access to the releases The downloader expects a full url from the registry as...
This pr includes everything up to actually downloading the extension from the upstream registry Such as pulling an example registry entry ```json { "name": "SuperExtender", "description": "Enhances your experience with...
Quite simply implements fetch and clone to make sure we can pull a registry Git repository is the only registry implemented for now, and is run like this: `shuttle ext...
Shuttle git extensions represents extensions backed by either a folder or url based git repository. Using the git=https://github.com/lunarway/shuttle-extensions.git a extension is pulled into `~/.shuttle/registry` Where we can later gather an...
This adds a basic command palette for shuttle such as: - `shuttle ext update` - `shuttle ext init` - `shuttle ext install` This also right now uses a skeleton implementation...
This adds a proposal (golden scenario) for what I consider a next generation package manager and tool for a company specifically made to suit Lunars needs. I hope that shuttle...
Shuttle telemetry doesn't react to an old lock file, or clean up after itself
## What are shuttle cli extensions. You may have used git extensions before without knowing. Those are the commands you run after git, such as `git ignore`, or other third...
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more. ## Other Branches These updates are pending. To force PRs open, click the checkbox...