Can preprocess_lcu_coefficients_for_reversible_sampling be updated to allow the user to input epsilon or sub_bit_precision? Sometimes it is preferable to specify the number of precision bits explicitly.
This line in QROMBase limits the precision for the data used in SelectSwapQROM. https://github.com/quantumlib/Qualtran/blob/0d8793e8a7f415d6ec1e003756422d72ac81a3a1/qualtran/bloqs/data_loading/qrom_base.py#L238 For some applications, the target bitsize for the data I need to load is quite high....
Consider the following bloq which yields one And gate per qubit in the control register, all with the same target. ```python @attrs.frozen class myBloq(Bloq): bitsize: int @cached_property def signature(self) ->...