
Results 51 issues of kjn

1. Customize `org-jabref-citation-styles`'s `"Chicago (full-note)"` style with `:dont-filter t`. ``` (custom-set-variables '(org-jabref-citation-styles (quote (("odt" ("Chicago (author-date)" :in-text (:jabref-format "chicago.ODF.text" :formatter "Simple (but strip braces)") :bibliography (:jabref-format "chicago.ODF.reference" :formatter "Bibliography")) ("Chicago...

#### Support for creating master documents `*.odm` and sub-documents Subdocuments can be included using `#+INCLUDE` keywords. See 1. [Include files - The Org Manual](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/org/Include-files.html) 1. [Master Documents and Subdocuments -...


### Upgrade "factory styles" of ODT and ODS exporter See [**Ask LibreOffice**: How do I create a `ott' template that includes "default" style definitions; by "default" styles, I mean ALL...

### Review heuristics used for embedding screenshots in a landscape document Specifically `org-odt-max-image-size` is meant for portrait documents, and it gives less than perfect sizes for "big" images. Based on...

@ouboub, this space is intentionally left blank so that you could fill it in. Avoid stuff like `identity` (the `Org' info doesn't mention it) which are concoctions known only to...

ods / calc

Unable to convert a `tsv` file to a `ods` file using `org-odt-convert` May have to pass `TAB` as the separator to `CSV` filter of `soffice` convert command line. See [Add...

ods / calc

For background see #256. @ouboub feel free to add different variations of `remote()` calls ... Don't include the VLOOKUP calls. Restrict the tables to simple arithmentic, and not more than...

ods / calc

ODS exporter: If a table cell (or the whole column/row) is a hyperlink, mark it as such

ods / calc

The `org` file may have page break character C-q C-l for ease of navigation ... It is "useful" to "strip" these form feed characters in XML output. ----- The following...

When there are more than one "header" rows, don't mark these group of columns as table header. As it stands today , if a table with "multiple" header rows spans...