`citeproc` has no support for `pandoc`'s `AuthorInText`.[1][2] It will be good if `citeproc` implements `AuthorInText` natively. The `pandoc` executable simulates `AuthorInText` by emitting `AuthorOnly` and `SuppressAuthor` in sequence for the...
## Add a way to convert an XLSX/ODS file with formula in to a csv file such that it provides insights in to the formula being used This issue is...
Implement `org-export-string-as-odt` function (a parallel to ox.el's `org-export-string-as` function) Cc @PiotrPanasiuk This bug is a result of discussion https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/discussions/180
``` ~/src1/org-mode-ox-odt$ git log -1 --format=oneline abb9993c2dc87868ab6a948596e457fc2b772de8 (HEAD -> master) * lisp/ox-odt.el: Support for "side-by-side" figures and "side-by-side" sub-figures ~/src1/org-mode-ox-odt$ git diff > patch.diff ``` ```diff diff --git a/lisp/ox-odt.el b/lisp/ox-odt.el...
## Explore if anchoring images as "as-char" would improve compatibility when importing in to other ODT apps like Google Docs or MS Word even See [Document with a series of...
> Fun hack: Support for callouts between two text shape Cc @QiangF Now I understand what is happening. It has taken almost 5 years, and let me know whether I...
### Provide a means "overlay" the caption over an image Conventionally caption text as added as a text "apart" from the image. It would be useful to add caption as...
### In a captioned table with pagebreak, the pagebreak appears between the table and caption. If the caption is placed above the table, the pagebreak should appear before the caption,...
### Add Citeproc support [Convert .org to .docx with citations](https://www.clarkdonley.com/post/convert-org-to-docx-with-citations/) [Citeproc-java: Batch processing of citations](https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2015-03/msg00262.html) [zotero-cite (A Proposal)](https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-11/msg00443.html) [citeproc-java: A Citation Style Language (CSL) processor for Java.](https://michel-kraemer.github.io/citeproc-java/) [Render Org-mode citations...