Explore drawing object / shapes for typesetting captioned images
Google Docs doesn't support sequence numbers. May be provide a "deprecated" way to handle xrefs by bookmarks ....
# A simple document with a captioned image _(produced in LibreOffice by hand)_ isn't displayed properly when uploaded to Google Docs This problem exists even when uploading such documents produced...
## Support for emitting `table.el` tables All the essential pieces are already there. It is just a matter of plumbing ....
### Add a way to create password protected documents ### Protecting All Documents When Saving [Protecting Content in LibreOffice | LibreOffice Help](https://help.libreoffice.org/7.2/en-US/text/shared/guide/protection.html?&DbPAR=WRITER&System=UNIX) > All documents that are saved in `OpenDocument...
### "Lisp nesting exceeds ‘max-lisp-eval-depth’" exceeded, when using cookies with List Tables #+ATTR_ODT: :list-table t - | | | - - Row 2 - Row 2.1 The call stack is...
### Add a command to convert an Org table to xlsx See - [[O] orgtable-->csv--> excel coding problems UTF8](https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2017-06/msg00384.html) - [[O] org-table export to ods/xlsx etc](https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2017-06/msg00280.html) #### Helpful links -...
See [Text Body style with intent affects bulleted list style as well - Ask LibreOffice](https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/123222/text-body-style-with-intent-affects-bulleted-list-style-as-well/)