> I used the exact example from: [here](https://kjambunathan.github.io/org-mode-ox-odt/Bibliography-and-Citations-in-ODT-export.html#Configure-JabRef-with-ChicagoODF-custom-export) Did you also use the examples there. Specficially you need to have the following directives: ``` #+bib_file: "./biblatex-examples/novices.bib" #+odt_jabref_citation_style: "Chicago (author-date)" ```...
> Maybe you can try JabRef-2.9.2.jar, it is mentioned somewhere that is the last version that works. The older versions of JabRef allowed plugins to be installed as a JAR...
> i also had a heck of a time trying to get ox-odt from this repo to work alongside org-plus-contrib. when i updated the latter it would be later in...
See [LO Bug#148710: Layout of an image in docx file is different from the layout in odt file ](https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=148710)
 [frames.odt](https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/files/8531899/frames.odt) [frames.docx](https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/files/8531909/frames.docx)
> If the smaller frame is move a lit bit to the right, and doesn't overlap with the other frame in the odt file, the converted docx file displays the...
After all this compatibility work ... 'short caption as a label' is too much of a hassle, if you also want compatibility. I have a feeling that LibreOffice provides much...
I have introduced new keyword `#+ODT_APP`. If you add > #+ODT_APP: docx then you will get an output which _hopefully_ will produce a Microsoft Word-compatible / Google Docs-compatible output.
> [small_frame_moved_to_top_of_larger_frame(remove_zip_extension_to_open).docx.zip](https://github.com/kjambunathan/org-mode-ox-odt/files/8549713/small_frame_moved_to_top_of_larger_frame.remove_zip_extension_to_open.docx.zip) Just for the sake of record .... The rendering on WPS side, **_does not match_** on the MS Word side. But the rendering on MS Word/Onedrive side **_exactly...
Cc @QiangF ### Big changes ahead **_I have decided to abadon "paragraph" anchoring, and instead go with "to character" anchoring._** This is based on (a) this "Google Docs" issue I...