After logging in as admin:admin, it is possible to create new users. But there does not seem to be a way to set their passwords. How should passwords be assigned...
Changing graph element shape with a newly uploaded icon of 128x128 px causes the "linear sizing max size" to be reset to 201 px instead of the default 100.
Clicking on whitespace is necessary for moving the entire graph around. However, a click on whitespace also results in undoing all selections. So currently it is impossible to move the...
Being able to select nodes with a lasso tool would be very helpful.
Currently there is no undo feature in the UI. This is really quite essential for providing a nice user experience.
Feature request: more layout types, possibly some more network-analysis like.
After turning on "case insensitive search and suggestions" and creating full-text indexes, there are issues with the suggestions in the search bar. In many instances where there should be clear...
Issues with the Inspect and Expand functionality: relations that definitely exist sometimes are just not displayed here. I am aware that the Expand menu should only display relations that have...