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How to set passwords for new users?
After logging in as admin:admin, it is possible to create new users. But there does not seem to be a way to set their passwords.
How should passwords be assigned to new users?
I am assuming new users are sent an account activation link? But is there another way for the administrator to set passwords for accounts, e.g. with the API?
I'm sorry, we are working on the documentation about admin features. Stay tuned
We created the application using JHipster and when a new a user is created the "admin" isn't allowed to provide a passord. The new user will receive and email with a link to be used to activate the account.
I exposed the parameters to configure the SMPT server/account in the compose yml:
take a look to this SO answer too:
- Create a new user in the admin web interface
- Look up the "reset_key" for this new user in the table "jhi_user" of the psql database
- Use this key to form a password creation url like this: http://arcadeserver.local:8080/#/reset/finish?key=<reset_key>
- Visit this URL to set a password
I think it could be quite easy to implement that feature. Just add a button that calls the right API. It would be great if you would be able to submit a pull request.