That's right. I'm having the same problem. I didn't see this thread and created a new issue for this. Any solutions?
@beat84 I have no display:none on my image. But still initial load not working.
you can see the code at It is on the first slide
@beat84 Using chrome but I can also see the image. The problem is about image not working on inital load. sorry not image - image mapping
@beat84 no, not actually. But I don't know how to do it.
@beat84 How can I try wait some second?
@beat84 Thank you Mattia! I put a delay. Good news: Initial load works, thanks to you. But now even resizing works, coordinates not working when I resize the window. Delay...
@ishiiprints Thank you. But after using cloudflare's Rocket Loader(Automatically asynchronously load all JavaScript resources), it is working.
@jonasva Thank you. I hope that can others :)