Kit Gerrits
Kit Gerrits
This can be fixed by swapping the 'status' and the 'service' order. Also, auto_os_detect in a nutshell: auto_os_detect() { FOUND_OS=none if uname -a |grep -qi linux || grep -qi -s...
The only difference between the two is in the header: ``` 7334R W05 * OPENTSDB ie-eu ~ $ curl -i "http://localhost:4242/api/suggest?type=metrics&q=proc" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 618 ["proc.interrupts","proc.kernel.entropy_avail","proc.loadavg.15min","proc.loadavg.1min","proc.loadavg.5min","proc.loadavg.runnable","proc.loadavg.total_threads","","proc.meminfo.anonhugepages","proc.meminfo.anonpages","proc.meminfo.bounce","proc.meminfo.buffers","proc.meminfo.cached","proc.meminfo.commitlimit","proc.meminfo.committed_as","proc.meminfo.directmap1g","proc.meminfo.directmap2m","proc.meminfo.directmap4k","proc.meminfo.dirty","proc.meminfo.hardwarecorrupted","proc.meminfo.hugepagesize","proc.meminfo.inactive","proc.meminfo.kernelstack","proc.meminfo.mapped","proc.meminfo.memfree"]...
I updated from OpenTSDB 2.0.0. to 2.1.0 in the meantime (yay for search support), but I still have the same issue. I also tried setting StatusWolf to port 4242, same...
As noted on the site: exactly the same thing. Is there a way to enable more verbose output to see what it's doing with OpenTSDB? Debug was already set to...
I pulled the same graph with Grafana (see attached) On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:26 PM, Mark Troyer [email protected] wrote: > Oh, and also, what happens if you change...