Konstantin BIFERT

Results 17 issues of Konstantin BIFERT

### Describe the bug Using `useCookies` directly into a component is working perfectly fine. ✅ ```vue set cookie cookie? {{ cookies.get('capuccino') }} remove cookie import { useCookies } from '@vueuse/integrations/useCookies'...

I've tried to create a new Nuxt app by using ``` npx create-nuxt-app my-cool-project --edge ``` but it wasn't using the v5, still the v4 (maybe it's a desired behavior?...


Small thing IMO but the module is not listed as compatible with Nuxt3 as of right now https://nuxt.com/modules?q=device&version=3.x

Hi, thanks for your work dude, the theme is awesome ! ❤️ I was wondering if we could get some italic variant. 😄 Here is a theme w/ a great...

help wanted

Hi! 👋🏻 Is it possible to add Google Fonts subsets? Example can be seen here: https://css-tricks.com/google-fonts-and-font-display/ With this: `

### Versions nuxt-vite: `v0.0.36` nuxt: `v2.15.4` ### Reproduction https://github.com/kissu/nuxt-vite-test-setup ### Description So, I've created a brand fresh Nuxt project with `npx create-nuxt-app nuxt-vite-test-setup`, here is the entire setup: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5133074/114482081-3782fc00-9c06-11eb-81f0-daec56c425a5.png) I...


Hi! 👋🏻 Somebody do have an issue on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/q/68559945/8816585 And he wants to use [defval](https://github.com/SheetJS/sheetjs#json) for empty values of his JSON, is it possible to use this option inside...