Kiss Lorand
Kiss Lorand
Check please if you have the same behaviour with the FW from [here](
You still had the "Unknown Command: XYZ" problem? What happens if you print from Cura, Octoprint, Pronterface, etc by USB connection?
When printing "over USB cable from slicer" where is the USB cable connected to?
> > When printing "over USB cable from slicer" where is the USB cable connected to? > > the USB cable is directly connected with the MKS Gen L 1.0...
I confirm this behaviour with the caveat that I could replicate it only a few times in many attempts (the included project was used). My multiple attempts were made by...
Sorry, my sense of humor might be very different from yours, I really cannot decide it was meant as a joke or you are asking for real.
Can you pleased share the benchmark you used to measure the performance decrease? All I see is performance increase there.
Show what? ``` touch = !XPT2046_Read_Pen() * (touch + !touchScreenIsPress); touchScreenIsPress = !(TOUCH_DEBOUNCE_MS - touch); ```` Are we talking about these 2 lines?
How did you come to the conclusion it is 2-3 slower? Just to clarify: there's no sabotage intention, I spent quite some time to try to increase the performance of...
I have the same question, how do you see performance decrease?