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VMime Mail Library
When using the latest vmime code with CMake via FetchContent with ``` FetchContent_Declare(vmime GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/kisli/vmime.git GIT_TAG c3c6242ed135f9eca805380394791d17b0fc7a63 # v0.9.2 OVERRIDE_FIND_PACKAGE) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(vmime) ``` I get the message in the subject. If...
Testcase: ```c++ #include int main() { vmime::mailbox mb; printf(">%s%s
``` # ./build/bin/parser_pathTest ...F !!!FAILURES!!! Test Results: Run: 3 Failures: 1 Errors: 0 1) test: pathTest::testGenerate (F) line: 88 vmime/tests/parser/pathTest.cpp equality assertion failed - Expected: - Actual : - 2...
Prevents the loss of a space if the previous word is 8-bit but the current one is not. This equals the case of the current word being 8-bit but not...
Following example ``` vmime::mailbox mailbox(vmime::text("Test München West", vmime::charsets::WINDOWS_1252), "[email protected]"); vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter adapter(std::cout); mailbox.generate(adapter); ``` gives as output ``` =?us-ascii?Q?Test_?= =?windows-1252?Q?M=FCnchen?= =?us-ascii?Q?West?= ``` The first space between `Test` and `München` is encoded...
Dear @kisli team, For more security, can you add supports of: - SCRAM-SHA-1 - SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-256 - SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA-512 - SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS - SCRAM-SHA3-512 - SCRAM-SHA3-512-PLUS You can add...
cmake fails for me with the following error: ``` -- No package 'gtk+-3.0' found CMake Error at /opt/local/share/cmake-3.24/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:607 (message): A required package was not found ``` The need for this...
``` mailbox(text("Test München West", charsets::UTF_8), "[email protected]").generate(); ``` produces ``` =?us-ascii?Q?Test_?= =?utf-8?Q?M=C3=BCnchen?= =?us-ascii?Q?West?= ``` The first space between ``Test`` and ``München`` is encoded as an underscore along with the first word:...
Switch out the byte sequence by one that is simiarly random, but one which happens to decode as valid UTF-8, such that the expected and actual strings are shown with...