Takeshi Kishiyama
Takeshi Kishiyama
Here is a [fork](https://github.com/dpaysan/hsmmlearn) by @dpaysan, which works for the multivariate Gaussian model.
```r ### > install.packages("devtools") also installing the dependencies 'sys', 'ps', 'askpass', 'magrittr', 'backports', 'Rcpp', 'ini', 'processx', 'R6', 'assertthat', 'crayon', 'curl', 'mime', 'openssl', 'desc', 'prettyunits', 'rprojroot', 'rlang', 'xopen', 'clipr', 'clisymbols', 'fs',...
> Has anyone tested it on another cloud provider, like Heroku? ~~I switched the deployment method to Heroku and it works perfect.~~ Sorry, the audio/video capturing is not working in...
> How did you do it? **Updated: sorry, the following may not be not a valid solution since the video capturing does not work in Safari (it seems fine with...
@kirienkomaxym I'm using audio capturing, so I'm not sure about the camera. But it works fine with the audio capturing, which doesn't work on Streamlit Cloud now. Here is my...
I cloned the s2t app from the example (https://github.com/kishiyamat/streamlit-stt-app/tree/heroku), making the file changes above. Then, I moved to Heroku and followed the steps below. 1. Create New App 1. Choose...
Oh I see. Thank you for sharing the issue.
@kirienkomaxym Hi, I checked the deployed app, and it's working. But once I switch the browser from Chrome to Safari, it doesn't work. What browser do you use?