Minkyu Kim
Minkyu Kim
@anymaniax It is still an open issue. Do you have any plans for future work? If you don't have a plan yet, I'm willing to start working on it
You can update the url through the effect by detecting the atom change in the recoil but basically it can't detect url change and update atom Within the atom effect,...
I think that's the right move Because, I don't know exactly the entire code of the service, but looking at the imported contents, Next.js and recoil are used together. However,...
@hjk329 There are no issues with recoil-persist or onSet. This is a problem that occurs very strictly in the mode. This is related to an issue where two connections are...
why not use default value in myList atom ? https://github.com/hainessss/recoil-sync-next/blob/main/src/pages/MyList.tsx#L7
We confirmed that it is currently tracking properly in the Next.js page directory. What does Next.js do?