It would be great to see the right way to handle **multiple** file (image) uploads. 👍
Sorry, I can't provide page because it's not done yet for public. But noofaq posted same issue with examples so I think it's not problem in my or his code....
Its better use original lightbox then this. Looks like, they're not planning to fix this bug.
@stof It's returning just `` that's what I need. Can I somehow add `doctype>html>head>/head>body> >/body>/html`
@stof fixed... You said it's not valid HTML. `$response->getContent()` is returning `some info here` To be valid it should be ``` some info here ``` Am I right?
@bocharsky-bw I've figured it out. Create routes.locale.yml file and put there your routes translation. Example from my project: routes.en.yml ``` accessories_index: /accessories accessories_list: '/accessories/{category}' accessories_list_paginated: '/accessories/{category}/page/{page}' accessory_detail: 'accessories/{url}' contact_index: /contact-us...
@bocharsky-bw For symfony flex(SF 3.4/4.0+) > Directory: /translations For symfony standard(../3.3/3.4) > the app/Resources/translations directory; > the app/Resources/[bundle name]/translations directory; > the Resources/translations/ directory inside of any bundle.
My bad haven't noticed #2861