Erst mal ein Danke schön für den Support. Heute wollte ich den Film `Der_Dummschwaetzer_22.02.05_20-15_4plus_110_TVOON_DE.mpg.HD.avi` schneiden und hab die Version `1.0.0b8.post5` vorher erfolgreich nutzen können. Jedoch zeigt mir otrverwaltung bei dem...
I upgraded / reinstalled from Ubuntu 20.04 (Gnome) to Ubuntu 22.04 with KDE (Tuxedo OS version) and now i am facing also with the problem that i have to login...
I am not sure, if my problem is the same because i switched to the new notification url, but i also get a time out. When setting `WATCHTOWER_NO_STARTUP_MESSAGE=false` i also...
Hi, thanks for the fast response. Here the Debug Token-URL: And here the docker-compose file (stripped. Removed labels, comments and an oauth-proxy for web-frontend): ``` version: "3" services: unbound:...
> DNS and `dig` uses UDP by default unless the packet size exceeds limits and then is forced over to TCP. That's the output you see `;; Truncated, retrying in...
> > But why was the command working with a preview Pihole version? > > Using the same docker compose file but with a different docker image tag? Yes, same...