Oscar Lin

Results 3 issues of Oscar Lin

ERROR: Mecab_load() in mecab.cpp: Cannot open D:\声音克隆\GPT-SoVITS\runtime\lib\site-packages\pyopenjtalk\open_jtalk_dic_utf_8-1.11. 0%| | 0/1 [00:00

写了个函数进行批量推理,API偶尔会显示Press any key to continue...然后无报错中止运行。 一开始我还以为是多线程的锅,但是改成单线程后API还是会偶尔中止。是哪里出错了?求各位大佬指点😥 配置: i5 13400F RTX 4060Ti 16G 32G DDR4 ``` def send_request_and_save(text_file_path, max_retries=3, backoff_factor=0.5): attempts = 0 success = False # 读取配置文件 config = configparser.ConfigParser()...

In follow-up

I encountered a problem where the backend C compiler crashes when compiling my Python file. Previously, I was able to compile it successfully without using the "--windows-console-mode=disable" flag, and everything...
