It's my first time using the CDS. After installing the service about CDS reference to the [docs]( can't login in as admin (i have already signed up the admin and...
First of all, thanks for the project "prometheus/promu". Recently I used the gdb to debug the smartctl_exporter which was built by the tool "promu". The .promu.yaml for smartctl_exporter as blows:...
## Description of the issue First of all, tks for all of contributers.It's my first to use the erpnext. ## Context information (for bug reports) According to the []( in...
通过 minikube 启动k8s 集群命令如下: `minikube start --driver=docker --cpus=2 --memory='4g' --kubernetes-version=v1.19.8 --docker-env http_proxy= --docker-env https_proxy= --docker-env no_proxy=localhost,,::1,, --alsologtostderr --registry-mirror=""` **重现问题所需的命令**: minikube config get cpus && minikube config get memory **失败的命令的完整输出**: Error:...