
Results 9 comments of cypherpunk.bch

Is the scope of this issue limited to being able to support an SLP transaction or some implementation details that are not defined here? Here is a working code reference...

This works, but I am not sure that "enable" and "disable" work well. Disable doesn't really disables the wifi. (maybe it should be named something else)

This should be merged. Thanks @MrVisitor . You should update the README as well.

@MysticMight nothing much I guess, just make sure you have latest kivy as Kivy-designer [requires 1.9.1]( and you have everything from requirements.txt Here you just need to create a popup...

Hi @jpca999, The sample data is imported from `constants/data` and stored in the variable `storyData` and later it is being used in the `renderStories` method. To make the search work...

Hey, @TheJackTenor Thanks for the PR, looks good. please make the requested change.

Hey, @TheJackTenor This doesn't seem to work on Android. (Pixel2)

This PR should be merged.