Samoilenko Yuri

Results 9 comments of Samoilenko Yuri

а как сделать наоборот, чтоб выводилось "декабрЯ"? то есть использовать common_month_names? Сейчас получается так: I18n.l(dt, format: '%B') => "Декабрь" при этом I18n.l(dt, format: "%d %B") => "27 декабря"

What about running electron in chrooted environmrnet on android(debian ex) with remote access to gui through VNC? Or with virtual x-server xvfb?

I thin in Linux Deploy android app direction: And using electron as dedicated instance without gui :). But i don't know about chrome, node and electron arm support.

> Yes, but that will terminate all current requests handled by that process... try it out and let me know how you get on? I make some experimets... Test server...

Sometimes when I go back I see this in `Service::Supervisor`: ```ruby # Restart the process group that the supervisor belongs to. def do_restart(message) # Tell the parent of this process...

@ioquatix it will be great if falcon starts bringing you money. But maintaining both versions (enterprise and free) is difficult.

Same issue. Sometimes kuma spend a lot of CPU time in iowate: ![Screenshot_20220928_145749]( ![photo_2022-09-28_14-26-35]( Strange messages in logs: ![Screenshot_20220928_150046]( ``` at process. (/app/server/server.js:1699:13) at process.emit (node:events:527:28) at emit (node:internal/process/promises:140:20) at...