Results 7 issues of ZNH

Recently I start use inkle in my Unity Project. I Write such code in Inky, it works normally. ``` ~ temp x=RANDOM(0 ,1) +[Selection1] { -x == 0: Say hello...

When doing some data extraction, the operation like `List collection = ((KVCollectionValue)app.Data["config"]["launch"]).children;` was not allowed due to the _Internal_ Access Modifiers. In some situation, `KVCollectionValue` is much handy than abstract...

Code cleaning and stability maintanance. I copy all memory reader lib code into this repo.

RBG其中某一两个通道的值总体增加一点,再加上25-50%的jpg压缩,在肉眼较难分辨的情况下,可以对水印造成极大破坏。 如果想要提高抵抗性,就不能发未压缩过的原图,得先压成AV画质打上隐水印再发出去

### Describe the bug When using 4.27.0, Set app runs on a selected port. App can't load correctly. Check with F12, theme.css is point to defaut port. Downgrade to 3.50.2,...

pending clarification

I found a solution to set defalut value in SQLite-net document. But it seems not supported by this repo. Error comes out while I'm trying to use [NotNull, Default(value: true)]...

After several attempts, I realize that keep multi runtime into single project can be very dangerous. So I do with side by side upgrade. Here is a new project named...
