Feng Zhaolin

Results 7 issues of Feng Zhaolin

I'm aware `cartographer_pbstream_to_ros_map` can convert pbstream to PGM and YAML which can be fed into ROS [map_server](http://wiki.ros.org/map_server) But the quality is obvious not as good as `cartographer_assets_writer` because it doesn't...

## Problem I use the following command to generate xml file: ``` mocha-parallel-tests src/**/*.spec.js --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter --reporter-option junit_report_path=report.xml ``` But the report file has misformatted classname (note the leading space...

The error message is on line 5. It should be on line 24 App | Version ---- | ---- vscode-python-test-adapter | v0.6.8 VSCode | 1.56.0 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8407634/117526536-78e5ac00-aff8-11eb-912e-5e1956166175.png)

## Use Cases In the following use cases, I hope related tests can be refreshed automatically. 1. Use an external editor to modify a JS file. TortoiseGit for example. 2....

### Issue type **I'm submitting a ...** (check one with "x") * [x] bug report * [ ] feature request * [ ] question about the decisions made in the...

I'm using a SLAM system, so I have exact coordinates (instead of kitchen, bedroom, etc.) Is it possible to train it with coordinates? For example, can I use 1meter\*1meter cell-based...

有些启动脚本中,会用 sed 修改一些系统文件。虽然其实一个字节也没有变,但是文件还是被重写了。我们遇到了很多突然断电的情况下,导致这些文件全都变成乱码。轻则一些 log 文件无限变大,占满整个磁盘,重则使得系统无法启动。 https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/orangepi-build/blob/f11df9bf0d0bd57f6c968b4c520c2ced0517baeb/external/packages/bsp/common/usr/lib/orangepi/orangepi-hardware-optimization#L54 希望改成: 1. 先在内存中生成修改后的结果,把结果和现有文件比较。如果有变化再写入。 2. 写入时,先生成 tmp 临时文件,再 rename。从而最大程度上避免文件变成乱码。 希望能指导我们一下,系统中还有哪些类似的地方,我们希望先全部禁用掉。