yeah, I could do that, but it is possible to automatize all this just by replying to the bot?
no idea where to start with that, maybe @n3d1117 might provide a better answer
Hi there,I'm getting this message "Couldn't get OpenAI session: Couldn't launch headless browser: Couldn't launch headless browser: could not send message: could not send message to server: Browser closed." For...
HI there, what VPS are u using?
it is, i wrote like this: PREFIX_ENABLED=true only the !gpt command is working.
I can send more screenshots if you need
when i run the !dalle command is not detected from the bot unlike !gpt that works just fine. How do i get the logs? Whatsapp ChatGPT] Client is ready! [Whatsapp...
Working now!! Thanks
Same issue.
Nope, same error. I tried the key from another account