Sebastian Krebs

Results 14 comments of Sebastian Krebs

/ping @yberkholz This would solve #24 too: With this PR everybody could decide themself, if they send this with or without `X-Request-With` (as mentioned in this comment).

It looks like the list in the initial description isn't up to date anymore?

@Seldaek I meant the list in this PR (above). I cannot edit that.

It seems, that this is still an issue with the current phar. Anything I can do? ``` PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'proc_open(): unable to create pipe...

I just want to bump this one ... Sorry I cannot provide additional information right now, but I'd really like to use this plugin with `lxc` like I use it...

:+1: But seriously: What happened to this ticket?

> Maybe I didn't get your point here. @renanbr The point (and that makes your whole comment invalid) is, that you think it is about dist-packages. All you mentioned is...

_bump_ I'll give medua a try, though I still think it can make sense to have this in a single tool :wink: It's about "merging contributors", especially since the khepin-repository...

I can confirm this. I use the `FrameworkBundle:TemplateController` ``` {{ render(controller('FrameworkBundle:Template:template', {template: '::partials/top-bar.html.twig', maxAge: 3600, sharedAge: 3600}) }} ``` I just want to point out, that this will probably be...