@MeoncoSusan @Wladastic Any solution for this auto. increase TP with SL feature?
@ooples Oh I'm sorry, I overlooked that. thank you :) And good luck with your twins
@ooples Hey :) Was the birth good? :) I think you have now a stressfull time :D Sorry that i push this closed thread again: Are you sure your code...
@ooples Any update here? What i can say for now: Calculating my own RSI Values (other issue thread), with the RSI values i calculate SMA 2 + 7 and for...
Lets discuss first the Rsi, if your Rsi Math is wrong, then the TDI is too wrong, but for now i dont find any error in your code.
@ooples Nope, with correct RSI now, TDI still incorrect, im pushing soon a update in my TEST lib, maybe we can figure it out where the fail is :)
Its not a fixx, but i just write a second script, if the error comes and the script crash, just restart it... ^^ hope anyone have a right fixx for...
> @josephf Nope, i did seem to make it slightly better by removing the cache that's created in `fs/ipfs/` directory before running. This is not working for me, its just...
lolz:D what makes Envyus for a shit??? 50/25/25... hacked/selled or just down... but... why is for sale? lol... made my day XD
> nope, the click is not working and not we are temporary banned ;) same for youtube not working