Kimsea Sok
Kimsea Sok
Hello Everyone. I'm deploying jasmin using ecs. I replicated jasmin container into 2 different and mapped /etc/jasmin/store to the same amazon EFS accesspoint. However, when create a new user, the...
Hello folk! I've been trying to change the date format of subdate and donedate when dlr through the back response. By default, Jasmin through YYMMDDhhmm which there is no seconds....
Hello everyone. I encountered with SMS speeding issue. I created a smpp connector and set submit_throughput to 0 or the connector which I understand that it's an unlimited option. However,...
Hello everyone! I have problem with SMPP API sending (Noted Http and rest API is working find) I did some research and found the issue related to TON/NPI settings. the...
Hell folk! I found the setting option when create smpp connector. And I tried to search in the document, but not found any information about the setting. Can anyone tell...