Kevin Ilsen
Kevin Ilsen
Having the same problem. MacBook Pro with Mac OS High Sierra. Tunnels are opened, but they don't appear on my Mac as available output devices. My iPhone shows them, but...
@philippe44 Very nice! . . . I tried it with my High Sierra. The Sonos speakers appear as audio output devices. The IP address of each Sonos speaker pair appears,...
@philippe44 I added "-l 1000:2000" to the command line and that seems to have solved the buffering issue. I also produced a config file (using "-i") and then edited the...
We are experiencing the same issue. We're passing in our AWS access key id and secret access key via a call to config.update(). We do not have the credential files...
I'm seeing the same issue.
I have the same problem. Were you able to find a workaround?
We are experience the same issue -- we are attempting to read a PDF using createREader() (using PDFRStreamForBuffer) and if the PDF is corrupt, the call simply crashes Node.js. Is...
Were you ever able to find a solution or workaround for this? I'm having the same issue with some documents.
Yep, that’s what I figured, since I’m actually reading it from a stream that’s coming from an Amazon S3 object :-). Best to switch the approach, I guess, and copy...
Thanks — I’ll keep that in mind, but for this project I need to process several thousand ZIP files that already exist. - Kevin > On Feb 4, 2018, at...