
Results 22 comments of kilnerm

There is not a synchronous API available. If you look at the connectSync function it shows you how to create a synchronous wrapper the the async functions: I always...

@drewmccormack Can you give some details on the kind of database operations you are using and the table structures they are operating on? What version of SwiftKuery and SwiftKueryPostgreSQL are...

From eyeballing the code I think we may be missing `self.setState(.idle)` at line 428 of PostgreSQLConnection.swift.

Pretty sure 2.1.1 was tagged on a branch created from an earlier release as we didn't want to publish all the commits at that time. Some commits would have been...

So looking at the 2.1.1 version I don't see anything obvious..... Can you let me know the sort of operations you are running against the database so I can try...

Ok, thanks. I will piece something together and put some load through it to see if I can get the problem to occur.

- Make StaticFileServer initialisation fail for non-directory paths. Currently the StaticFileServer logs warning / error messages when it is used in an unintended manner. We should update the initialiser to...

This warrants some further investigation as our supported plugins all provide null safe operators. I'll mark as an enhancement and leave for future consideration.

@taylorwmitchell Thanks for opening this issue. I have already begun prototyping a solution that is similar to what you describe above. My initial work is being done against PostgreSQL and...

It looks like the queryBuilder supports substitutions for NOW() so I don't see why we couldn't implement support for using NOW() outside filters. I am going to mark this as...