Łukasz Włódarczyk
Łukasz Włódarczyk
Hi @juherr :smiley: thanks for pointing this out. I am planning to extend this bean to cover all ngrok API methods (and then create some serious documentation). I can image...
I think it should already work this way.. And also if under runtime you mean ngrok binary file, then when you got it placed in some non standard location then...
Fixed in v0.7.0
I left related comment in MR https://github.com/kilmajster/ngrok-spring-boot-starter/pull/55#issuecomment-830650433
There is still a possibility to generate correct token - https://api.slack.com/apps?new_classic_app=1 and then in Bots you can add legacy bot user and generate correct token
Do Jankinsfile will be still needed with this pipeline or I can remove it as well?
Hi @sbaerlocher, this PR seems to be little bit forgotten ;) I merged it with upstream and promoted test release to confirm that is still working (pipeline: https://github.com/kilmajster/keycloak-metrics-spi/runs/5828438512?check_suite_focus=true and docker:...
is up to date now :)
I've synced my changes with an upstream and also bumped java version to 17 in the release job - here is a pipeline I ran to promote test release with...