Results 10 issues of ⎠⎠ THE༒KILLER ⎝⎝

Whenever I am trying to add it don't send otp to receipt and also I am unable to accept request it says it look like user email provider is spam....

While cloning team drive folder to my team drive bot don't clone main folder and clone the thing in that folder. I really want it to clone folder too as...

Hey! I know many person ask here about username. So I am starting with that. I want to download/clone file from my gdindex to my td cuz I have some...

Can you make it so bot can handle multiple active cmd. At present it don't let use other cmds when one running at background

Can someone send me base config which I will modify and link to etc/v2ray/config It can be vmess or vless and incomming connection will be from '80' port + It...

I don't know if only I am facing this issue or everyone else also but whenever i try to use TTS in this app it only uses Google tts instead...

### Describe your suggested feature Show planning anime in a tab or make it open anilist in app to check list. ### Other details _No response_ ### Acknowledgements - [X]...

Can you make it docker deployable it will be easy to install and can be used in many platforms

Can you add some more source like wixiaworld, webnovel and some light novel source also. It is great app just wondering if you can add TTS option also to listen...


While I tried to deploy api code it's giving error any fix ?? ![IMG_20230225_181721](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/67904798/221357720-6b73c199-8ff1-49a1-848c-e131efd53efb.jpg)