
Results 12 issues of 王冰洁

看了源码 只获取并且控件value的值,并没有操作file-list,是不是功能没完善啊

### Feature request 请问支持进群发送欢迎语的功能吗? ### Motivation 请问支持进群发送欢迎语的功能吗? ### Your contribution 请问支持进群发送欢迎语的功能吗?

### Environment ```Markdown - wechaty:0.10.7 - wechaty-puppet: 0.4.23 - wechaty-puppet-service: 0.8.10 - wechaty-plugin-contrib: - token type: padlocal|wxwork|xp - the version of wechaty docker container: [0.65] ``` ### Description ```Markdown Traceback...

多个项目 多个wechat bot能同时用同一个token吗?

Hello, friend! Can you provide me with some guidance on how to develop and debug this project? I am currently using VS Code and PyCharm, but I don't know how...

如何在python中使用群主的框架呢? 各位有最佳实践吗?

**Describe the bug** when i run client in windows 11 ,using below commend: poetry run 01 --client --server-url= i got some log message below: ########################## (.venv) d:\PycharmProjects\01\software>poetry run 01 --client...

原生的对于 新手太难学习了


### Context / Scenario ```csharp app.MapPost(Constants.HttpSKAskEndpoint, async Task ( HttpContext context, SearchQuery query, IKernelMemory service, ILogger log, CancellationToken cancellationToken) => { string apiKey = context.Request.Query["apiKey"]; log.LogTrace("New skAsk request"); IKernelBuilder builder...
