
Results 4 comments of Kilasue

在VS2019上实验成功了。 1. 不需要编译,直接把include和deps文件夹复制到项目中,然后在VS的include中添加。所以不要管demo。 2. 源代码文件用UTF8编码(VS中新建时默认是936,可以用notepad++转换成UTF8)。分词结果用ofstream输出到文件再打开,不要输出到控制台,否则显示乱码。 3. 如果使用C++20标准,那么limonp的StringUtils.hpp需要修改,因为not1和bind2nd几个函数在新标准中remove了。 项目代码: ``` #include #include #include "cppjieba/Jieba.hpp" using namespace std; int main() { char ch0[] = { "我喜欢吃苹果" }; const char* const DICT_PATH =...

I'm working on a `TransposeNode`.

> Hi, @kilasuelika , thank you for your interest in my package. > Can you share your environment more detail including your Ubuntu version, compiler version and compile options? I...

I'm using vcpkg with windows and visual studio. Has the same problem.