
Results 5 issues of kikocorreoso

It is not pretty clear which python versions are supported right now. As it is a new package I think you should support most moder python versions, Python >= 3.5,...

Since Brython version >= 3.7.x I'm getting the following error: ``` ReferenceError: $locals___main__ is not defined brython.js:4 _run_scripts brython.js:4911 brython brython.js:4758 Brython usage in the IPython notebook-Copy1.ipynb:1 jQuery 3 _safe_append...

GitHub Gists API are not anonymous [since 2018]( The package would need a workaround to get similar functionality. Other option would be to remove this option.

Visual Studio link.exe is raising an error with `exit status 1181` I had to change some code on ``` python if not pypy_home.join('').check(): libdir = pypy_home.join('bin') if not libdir.join('').check():...

Upload package to pypi. Why it is not on pypi yet? * This package is work in progress. There isn't a release so no package has been uploaded to pypi....