There is another bug in beta 11 release. (It is working well in beta 9) If popover is set `data-bs-trigger="manual"`, and call 'toggle' call by javascript, the popver closes as...
[air-datepicker]( is more active and it's documentation is better. I think air-datepicker is worth including in the discussion
I also have same problem. my app is on versions is like this ``` ruby 3.3.1 rails sidekiq 7.2.4 redis (5.2.0) redis-client (>= 0.22.0) redis-client (0.22.1) connection_pool Heroku...
It still doesn't show flash message with turbolinks 5.0.1 (rails 5.1.4) when I use 'redirect_to' but it shows flash message if I use 'data: {turbolinks: false}' to link_to method. Anybody...
@estum I tried this code. but it does not show the notice flash message either. ``` flash.keep return redirect_back(fallback_location: root_path), flash: {notice: 'Email sent'} ``` what is the right usage?
I was stupid. :-p ``` flash[:notice] = 'Email sent' flash.keep return redirect_back(fallback_location: root_path) ``` It works with this code. Thanks @estum
Thanks for your quick response. this is my gemfile `gem 's3_direct_upload', :git => 'git://'` and this is my gemfile.lock ``` 20 remote: git:// 21 revision: 6972033d6bb086c46461c191c24cefe418e69d68 22 specs: 23 s3_direct_upload...
it works on desktop firefox and safari? My os version is macOS 10.14.3 (Macbook pro), firefox 65.0.1 and safari 12.0.3. It doesn't show the scroll bar. but google chrome is...