Same here, I hope someone could help us because I really need it, I would appreciate that.
@wencoast This script is used to visualize the train and test plots. You can instead use the h5py files produced after the training is done to visualize the graphs using...
Hi, I tried currently to train the model using triplet loss script, using only CASIA Webface dataset (the clean version) for the training but it seems that the validation on...
@xlphs Did you train using the triplet loss script or the softmax script ? And how have you come to choose those specific hyperparameters ?
@Thank you for sharing with us what have you done I appreciate that ! So it seems that you used the pretrained model provided in this repo isn't it ?...
@Var-ji Thanks for clarifying, so when using the LFW dataset to validate, it compare between the identities in the LFW dataset itself, is this what it does ? For the...
@Var-ji As I remember from reading Vggface2 paper, they trained their model from scratch using softmax loss first then they fine-tuned it using triplet loss after. Would it be effective...
I'll try using a high embedding size maybe it would be effective as you said, but Openface used 128D embedding vector on CASIA webface and they had a good accuracy...
I'll try your suggestions, thank you very much !