
Results 23 issues of kice 访问旧版界面会HTTP 302跳转到新版界面,新版界面的`bdstoken` 使用单独的HTTP GET请求获取: `[%22bdstoken%22,%22token%22,%22uk%22,%22isdocuser%22,%22servertime%22]` 暂时可以使用 `` 获取旧版界面。

首先就是 `ls` 的 `--csv` 开关输出的格式根本就不是csv格式;如果加上了递归输出,什么都不是了。 `--csv`开关` 改成输出为合法的csv的格式,而不是tsv(要Tab分割就额外指定)。 | path (绝对路径) | isdir (是否为目录) | size (大小: 字节) | user(所属用户) | modified (修改时间) | |---------------|------------|-----------|----------|------------------| | /dir/file.txt | False | 123454121...

直连虽好,但是直接调用客户端方便很多。下载量大的话我这边比直连稳定很多,并且不需要折腾那么多东西。 目前我所知有两种情况: + 分享页面直接下载。会跳转一个URL来调用`yundetectservice.exe`,命令行第一个参数调用这个exe客户端就会下载相应文件/文件夹 + 网盘页点击下载。百度后台RPC本地客户端下载,只需要发送HTTP API请求,客户端就能下载对应文件/文件夹

Base on the [example]( here, I added [ESP32 BLE Keyboard library]( to it. ```cpp #include BleKeyboard bleKeyboard; void setup() { //... Serial.println("Starting BLE work!"); bleKeyboard.begin(); return; } ``` I found...

As the title, I often open files directly from compression file, like WinRAR, which create temporary files. After closing the compression file, temporary files are also removed. It looks like...

change request

Get default output codec from the output format.

Changing the function here should do the trick => ```c# if (_model.IsActive) { _model.Root.Manager.HideAutoHideWindow(this); _model.IsActive = false; } else { _model.Root.Manager.ShowAutoHideWindow(this); _model.IsActive = true; } ``` In some cases,...

On my PC with VS debugging, looks like it will take around 0~200ms to execute auto hide; expect to be a lot sooner if it is release build with no...

![image]( ```c# public SerializableDictionary Images = new SerializableDictionary(); ``` Not sure what went wrong, and maybe we should make a new `CustomPropertyDrawer` for every class with this issue?

Fix incorrect params number if model has custom modules Fix incorrect model size if model has custom modules Add a switch for printing the model structure Add support for half...