Incoming could mean two things (I know which one you mean but it helps to clarify): - coming into the segment ❌ - coming into the junction ✔️
according to the picture I feel like some changes has been made in the PR since you have created this issue. the picture bellow shows how lane connections look like...
> Clicking any other incoming lane should select it > Even if I already have another lane selected sounds cool but let me play devils advocate: - if user clicks...
this issue is a bit hard to follow. it might be nice to create a task list. some of the stuff in discussed here are already addressed.
is it a TMPE issue or also a vanilla issue? I wonder if there is any mod to fix this. I know there was a few mods to fix cargo.
is json better than xml?
binary serialization is possible in theory but is clunky in practice specially with this old version of mono.
Json sounds great. We already use XML in TMPE to store global config. i hope using several different standards does not cause confusion.
in AN ppl manually modify pops so I think XML is good
> you can't even tell which switches are which, except by counting from the top. tell me about it! I do that all the time! I was thinking about overriding...