Krzysztof Hrynczenko

Results 16 issues of Krzysztof Hrynczenko

In most places I use term *similarity* (metric) for the methods implemented within the package. I use this term within the docs, code and readme. I think it would be...


[`FSIM: A Feature Similarity Index for Image Quality Assessment`](


Seems to be reasonable addition. Figure out whether its addition would be valuable and worth the effort.

[SSIMplified]( seems to be interesting read. Mayhap there can be found some application to `compimg`.

[Coveralls]( seems to be a nice tool for supervising code coverage. It would be nice to have it running together with badge displayed in README.

Visual Information Fidelity (VIF) is common choice for full reference image quality assessment. VIF has shown to better reflect analysis performed by humans.
