Sergey Khomyakov
Sergey Khomyakov
Example ``` python import amqpy import time import traceback import os import threading from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool NUMBER_MESSAGE = 10000 NUMBER_EXCHANGE = 10 EXCHANGE_NAMES = ['exchange-%s' % i for i...
I have same problem. Inversify work in dev mode, but not work in next build, only if inject using as constructor parameter decorator.
My solution for solve this problem .babelrc ` { "presets": [ [ "next/babel", { "class-properties": { "loose": true } } ] ], "plugins": [ "babel-plugin-transform-typescript-metadata", [ "@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "legacy": true...
I think it must be a reference to a file or an array of references to the file. Any module can expand the global environment, eg "jquery" defines "jQuery" and...
I can fix this issue, when remove alias for react-dom from **webpack.conf.js** ``` alias: { "react-dom": "@hot-loader/react-dom", }, ```