Khoi Hoang

Results 15 comments of Khoi Hoang

You just need to change your server to ``` const http = require('http') const express = require('express') const socketio = require('') const app = express() const server = http.createServer(app) const...

Sorry for late reply. There are some `unintentional` left-over mistakes when I copied / edited for the PR. > Not make case insensitive support optional I make it optional just...

Dear @gilmaimon I already add this feature to the [**WebSockets2_Generic** library](, which is based on this library of yours. I'll make a PR for this library shortly. Best Regards, ---...

PR has been created as [**Supporting case-insensitive headers** #128](

If you're using `wss://`, update your CA Cert as follows: ``` // This certificate was updated 15.04.2021, issues on Mar 15th 2021, expired on June 13th 2021 const char echo_org_ssl_ca_cert[]...

Hi @ZongyiYang Thanks for using the library as well as **pointing out the issue and the proposed good fix.** I believe the **best** way is to use [**ESPAsyncDNSServer**]( for this...

Close via PR [**Fixes Captive Portal hanging depending on active core for AsyncTCP** #104](

Thanks for your PR. As I haven't read your recent updated library code, I believe you have clear idea which is better. But it would be very helpful if you...

I just read your code and the difference is [here]( between `stop()` and `close()` ``` else { elapsedMillis timer; while (conn_->connected && timer < connTimeout_) { // NOTE: Depends on...

Good news the tasks are in the queue. > It's in the queue, but only so many hours in the day. Totally understand. I get the same constraint, even if...