Hyungmin Kim
Hyungmin Kim
In my experiments. Performance is always below 60% in temporal. How many epochs did you run?
Hi, thanks for this fantastic work. There are some bugs if the video start frame is not near 0 (ex: 256, or 515). May be i try to fix...
Any plan to release the data is existed? many thanks.
Based on what criteria did you make a video list? I confirmed that in this repo, the video sample name shown like this : video001, video002, ... So I don't...
adv_input_block_1 in main_val.py is not used in current code. It should be removed for blocking unwasted gpu memory space.
데이터셋 링크가 만료된것 같습니다만 혹시 재 업로드가 가능할까요? 감사합니다.
There are '\t' characters in each class directory name in .sh file. In linux, each directory will be generated like this 'n01440764\t'