The benchmark results are as follows: ``` test 1 Start 1: BenchmarkTest 1: Test command: /root/OpenCC/build/perf/src/benchmark/performance 1: Test timeout computed to be: 1500 1: 2020-07-08 16:11:44 1: Running /root/OpenCC/build/perf/src/benchmark/performance 1:...
I've tried different OSs on docker and they all have performance issue with ver.1.1.1. ``` $ docker run -it continuumio/miniconda:latest /bin/bash ### in miniconda container ### $ printf "Open Chinese...
The conversion speed has huge improved atfer c2e548e5e95c9a8ccc5c1e5feb259e8885ef32c6 but it's still 5 times slower than ver.1.0.6 or so. The test procedure is based on ### ver.1.1.2 (latest) ### $...
Linux也是一樣的情況。 以回報在這 #478